First of all let me get something straight. This is a JOURNAL not a diary. I know what the name of this blog is but when Mom made me this thing I SPECIFICALLY told her to pick a title without the word “diary” in it. Great. Now all I need is for some kid to catch me looking at this website and get the wrong idea.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Attraction Profile: Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith

Now for another Attraction Profile! By request, here's Rock 'n' Roller Coaster.

Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith (commonly referred to as simply Rock 'n' Roller Coaster) is an enclosed steel roller coaster ride at Disney's Hollywood Studios at the Walt Disney World Resort and at the Walt Disney Studios Parkin Disneyland Paris. The Florida attraction opened on July 29, 1999 and is located at the end of Sunset Boulevard, next to The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror attraction. It's one of my favorites because, i'm a thrill geek
The coaster accelerates from 0 to 57 miles per hour in 2.8 seconds (making this the second-fastest attraction at the Walt Disney World Resort, behind only Test Track and the fastest ride at Disneyland Paris). The riders experience 4.5g (44 m/s2) as they enter the first inversion, more than an astronaut does on a space shuttle launch. Both versions of the attraction feature five trains, although only four can run at one time. The remaining train is kept in backup while being serviced (each train is rotated out periodically for safety reasons).
When Disney first thought of doing this ride, the band hosting was going to be the Rolling Stones. The band was too pricey, however, and Disney wanted a cheaper alternative. Aerosmith was the most affordable.
The ride's story is different in each park. In Florida, guests have to get to an Aerosmith concert on time, because they have scored backstage passes. The story of the Paris version is that Aerosmith, working with engineers, have created a revolutionary new music experience at the Tour De Force Records studios. After watching the pre-show which features Aerosmith's Steven Tyler hyping up the ride, guests are lured into the testing area where they board the prototype vehicle for the new experience, the Soundtracker.
The ride at both parks has two inversions- a roll over and a corkscrew. The coaster wasn't designed to be indoors, so Disney built the track first, then the building. This is one reason the ride's as smooth as it is.
Well, that's all I've got here. Write a comment and tell me which attraction I should profile next. See you soon!

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