First of all let me get something straight. This is a JOURNAL not a diary. I know what the name of this blog is but when Mom made me this thing I SPECIFICALLY told her to pick a title without the word “diary” in it. Great. Now all I need is for some kid to catch me looking at this website and get the wrong idea.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

New thoughts on the Batman films

A few years ago, I posted my initial thoughts on the Batman films. My thoughts on them have changed since then. Here are my new thoughts.

Tim Burton films: The films have a gothic edge, are filled with memorable soundtracks, and the characters are complex, but easy to understand.

Joel Schumacher films: Mixed Bag, in my opinion. On one, hand, the films can have some heartwarming moments and the characters are sympathetic. On the other hand, they're overloaded with campiness akin to the 1960's show with Adam West (i.e. the bad puns and the cartoony portrayal of the villains like Two-Face and Mr. Freeze).

Nolan Trilogy: While I find some of it hard to understand, I can still get the most important plot points down.

I just wanted to clear that up. Thanks for reading.

P.S. My surgery's in November. I'll be doing Halloween events soon, though!

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