First of all let me get something straight. This is a JOURNAL not a diary. I know what the name of this blog is but when Mom made me this thing I SPECIFICALLY told her to pick a title without the word “diary” in it. Great. Now all I need is for some kid to catch me looking at this website and get the wrong idea.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Halloween Haunt 2011

I'm sad to report this may be the last year for this awesome event. Cedar Fair Entertainment Co., which made the event is selling the park to JMA Ventures, LLC. Hopefully, JMA will bring the haunt back in some form. I'll miss you dearly, Halloween Haunt. You helped ignite my interest in theme park halloween events. Anyway, on to the photos.

Oh, and here were the haunted attractions this year.
Club Blood
Slaughterhouse: Annihilation
Toy Factory
Werewolf Canyon
and of course, Carnevil.
I didn't get to do Black Widow's Cavern due to my surgery.
There was also Underworld Alley, Dead Man's Cove: Forsaken Souls, The Gauntlet and the show Zombies Gone Viral, which my parents felt was a bit better than Fangs last year.
R.I.P. Halloween Haunt 2008-2010

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