First of all let me get something straight. This is a JOURNAL not a diary. I know what the name of this blog is but when Mom made me this thing I SPECIFICALLY told her to pick a title without the word “diary” in it. Great. Now all I need is for some kid to catch me looking at this website and get the wrong idea.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Halloween Haunt 2015

Ah, Halloween. One of my favorite times of the year. Last night, I had a blast at Great America's Halloween Haunt. This is me with the event's mascot.

The attractions this year included:

 Roadkill Roadhouse,
 Nytewalkers (Show),
 Toy Factory,
 Zombie High,
 Wax Museum: Chamber of Horrors,
 Evacuate (Scarezone),
 Insanitarium and Lockdown (Scarezone),
and Killer Clown Town (Scarezone).

See you soon with stuff from The San Francisco Dungeon and Pirates of Emerson!